How To Make An Affiliate Link

Step 1: If you logged in using the “my account link” then click on “affiliates.” This will take you to the affiliate dashboard

Step 2: Click on Affiliate Tools, here, skipGenerate Link” and go down where it says Search Product, select a category for the products you wish to market, then click “Search

When you see the products, click on “Link“. This will make your Affiliate link, go on top and copy the link by clicking “Copy Link” and share the link anywhere you want. Once a person buys any of the products in your referrals, you earn commission. You can also use the social icons to share direct to Facebook, Whatsapp or Twitter

How To Be An Affiliate On Gomazi Store

Step 1: Go on the menu and select affiliates, under it, click on Affiliates Dashboard

Step 2: If you already have an account with Gomazi Store, then just log in with your account, otherwise go on the menu and click on My Account

Step 3: On my account page, go where it says Register and write in your email address, with your email address set

Step 4: Go to your email and go into your inbox or in your spam, in spam or inbox, you will see a message stating “Your Gomazi Store account has been created!”

step 5: In your message, click where it is written “Click here to set your new password.”

step 6: When the link opens, set your new password. then after which you will be redirected to the login page, here, log in then WALLA! You have successfully set up an affiliate account, you are ready to start affiliating and earning.

When you log in using my account, you will be sent to a Customer dashboard, just click on “Affiliate” on the dashboard menu then this will send you to your affiliate dashboard, there, you can make referrals and start earning, see how on this link